Hello Flower Lover


Dreams of flowers everywhere you look?

Big luscious dahlias, wispy cosmos, tissue paper poppies and
perfumed sweet peas!


Are you struggling to make it work?

Is it weeds going to seed, plants in need of some TLC and weather not cooperating?

Welcome to gardening in the South!

We often imagine a successful garden, but reality can be quite different. It doesn't have to be that way.


You can have the garden of your dreams

I’m Melissa, a passionate gardener,
farmer, and dahlia lover.
I love growing cut flowers and spend my time planning and cultivating as many as possible. I’m a Clemson certified Master Gardener and a “self taught by doing it the hard way”
flower farmer.

There is a solution

If you are struggling, I’ve got answers. I created a community called The Petal Society just for gardeners like you. It’s a place to find all your answers and a supportive community of gardeners.

Spring Farm Event Calendar:
Sweet Peas for Southern Climates: April 17
Spring Plant Sale Ordering Begins: April 1
Farm Pick Up for Dahlias and Spring Plant Sale: April 19
TR Farmers Market Plant Sale: April 26