Melissa Smith Melissa Smith

Rooted Cutting Care 101

So you took the plunge and ordered some rooted cuttings! What do you do now? Well most likely you’ll be waiting a few months on them to arrive but it gives you time to prepare for their arrival.

When that magical box arrives- OPEN IT IMMEDIATELY! Don’t let it sit on the counter- you’ll forget about it. Remember it contains live plants that have been locked up in the dark for a few days. So even if you are busy, open it and open the plant enclosure and at least let the plants breathe. If they are dry, you can put them in cups with a 1/2” of water and let them slowly absorb it.

The environment you keep them in for the next few days is pretty important. Remember they’ve been growing in a warm 65 degree environment. So if it’s still on the chilly side outside, you don’t want to shock them. If you are hardcore and have grow lights in your spare bedroom (you know who you are!), place them under there until you can move them outside to begin to harden off.

So what is hardening off? It’s an expression you hear a lot in the plant world. It is the process of acclimating a plant to it’s environment. Most plants need around a week to adjust to a new environment.

Our goal is to ship your plants as close to your planting time as possible but it’s also hard for us to know the exact climate and timing all over the country. So you may have to give the plant a little care in the meantime.

Potting up your cutting into a 3” pot is also helpful. I highly recommend this for home gardeners who aren’t dealing with 1000’s of plants. Letting your cutting double in size before you plant it will only increase your chances of success. When planting, pull off the bottom set of leaves (the bottom 2) and then plant the node (the place where the leaves attach to the stem) under the soil level. By putting that node under the soil level, you just gave the plant another place to grow tubers from. So you are increasing the number of tubers you will get at the end of the season and also giving your plant a jump start on creating a healthy root system. You can also remove the bottom set of leaves again when you plant it in your garden (more nodes underground=more tubers).

Now say you don’t have grow lights and a protected place to keep your cutting. What do you do? Pot it up and then place it outside during the day so it can get good sunlight. (I don’t recommend window sills because usually the light isn’t strong enough). Make sure it’s at least 50ish outside. Then if it’s going to be freezing at night, bring it in.

But again - let me stress- the goal is to get your cutting to you within a week or two of your time to plant. However I know not every farm is the same and sometimes you might want a cutting really early- so now you know what to do with it.

So why would you want a cutting early? Well to propagate from it of course! You can take a cutting from a cutting. However I learned a bit about the timing on when to do that this summer while I was attending an ASCFG conference. I used to take the cutting as soon as the center had grown big enough for me to pinch out. But this causes the plant to branch too early and often results in two weaker stems. So let the plant grow on several nodes. I’m letting them grow to the 4th or 5th node and then taking the cutting from the center. This would be the same timing as pinching your plant back to create branching. Remember every time you pinch, you create more branches. So you want to be aware of how many pinches you take off a plant. I really think the process of having a plant that is just for cuttings is best (like you wouldn’t worry about planting it out) because taking too many can create weak stems and also lots of those weak stems.

So when do you plant? First off- you want to make sure you are past your last frost date. You also want to make sure your soil temps are at least 60ish. Planting a dahlia into cold soil does nothing to help it get going- it’s just going to sit there. So even if you are past your last frost date, you might want to wait just a bit for soil to warm up (but this also depends on what the current temps have been in your area in previous weeks). I use a cheap compost thermometer to check my soil temperature.

So let’s summarize:
1. Open your box immediately upon arrival. Offer water if cuttings are dry.
2. Harden off your cutting to acclimate it to your enviroment
3. Pot up your cutting to increase your tuber count and give it a head start on a healthy root system
4. Plant out once your last frost has passed and soil has sufficiently warmed.

A little TLC and your cutting will produce a beautiful healthy plant that will bloom a lot sooner than your tuber planted dahlias!

All the dahlias you see in these pictures are available as rooted cuttings in our ongoing sale!

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Melissa Smith Melissa Smith

Cuttings Versus Tubers- Which is Right For You?

Rooted Cutting Sale Going on Now!

Rooted Dahlia Cuttings! They’ve become all the rage recently. If you are new to the dahlia world or have only grown tubers- you may be wondering what all the fuss is about?! Well let’s see if we can de-mystify that a bit.

First off- What is a tuber and what is a rooted cutting? Let’s get real basic here.
A tuber is the underground tuberous root that is produced by a dahlia plant during one growing season (they produce tubers on their first year, you don’t have to wait until the second year- that’s a common misconception I hear often.) The clump of tubers is dug up at the end of the growing season and then washed off and divided. They are stored through the winter and replanted in the spring.
A rooted cutting is when you take a tuber and pot it up early in the growing season. When it sprouts, you cut the sprout off and put it into a rooting medium, keep the humidity and temperature right and it will root in a few weeks. Within 6-8 weeks, you have a plant ready to put in your garden. You can keep taking more cuttings of this same tuber. This is how you can quickly multiply your own dahlia stock.

So which should you choose? Well there are pros and cons to both. Let’s take a look at some of them:

Spring time and receiving your tuber/cutting:
Tuber- You receive tubers in the spring sometime and then you plant when you past the last frost date for your growing zone. They hold pretty well if you need to wait a week or two before planting.
Cutting- You’ll need to care for them when you receive them and you’ll need to plant (or pot up) not too long after receiving it. However, cuttings are usually shipped when it’s the right time for your growing zone.

Planting your tuber/cutting:
Tuber- You’ll plant your tuber in the ground and then you wait- at least 2-3 weeks, sometimes more. Some varieties can take 6-8 weeks before sprouting although most are in up 4 at the most. In this time you have to make sure it doesn’t rot and also that your soil doesn’t get too hot (the heat temperature issue isn’t usually bad unless it’s high summer and your soil is extremely warm. I didn’t used to think this was an issue but I saw a lot of tubers cook in extreme heat this past summer on a lot of farms - even some on ours.)
Cutting- You plant it and you have a plant- cuttings definitely have an instant gratification factor. You will need to water it and care for it but it’s not any different than any other plant. Since you are planting a cutting, you have at least a 2 week jump on the tuber, sometimes more if it’s a later sprouting variety.

Growth Process:
Tuber- If your tuber gets established before harsh weather (heat, drought) comes, then it has a fairly good chance of making it through. However one thing about a tuber is that the plant will use the food provided by the tuber and can be slower to push out actual roots to keep feeding itself. This can have a significant impact on it’s ability to survive harsh weather conditions.
Cutting- A cutting has roots from the moment it starts to push them out in the rooting process. Then when it gets into the ground, it immediately starts to push roots out to establish itself.
This is where I saw the advantage of a cutting over a tuber for a harsh growing climate like mine. Our weather during the planting time is very erratic- some years it’s so wet, we can’t plant for weeks. Some years it’s so dry that the tubers take weeks longer to sprout. But when we started planting more cuttings, we were able to get a consistency in our crop that we hadn’t seen in years past. Not to mention the timing- we could plant wet or dry as long as the beds where prepared early.
Putting cuttings in and using a bit of irrigation if we were in a drought works better than tubers baking in hot soil. The water used to irrigate the cuttings also helps cool the soil. If the weather is the opposite- super wet- well the cuttings love the water and grow faster. You do need to ensure good drainage but good drainage is growing 101 for dahlias anyways.
Over the past 2 years we’ve made a move to planting more cuttings than tubers. Our field was over 60% cuttings last year. I firmly believe the resiliency of those cuttings is what got us through the extreme heat wave. The plants had good root systems because they were weeks ahead of the tubers. The tubers where baking and just disappearing under the soil because of the extreme heat.

Bloom time:
Tuber- Most bloom times you see posted are from planting a tuber in the ground and then growing to a full bloom
Cutting- You’ll get blooms sooner, by at least 2 weeks because you planted a plant instead of the tuber. So if you want color in your garden quicker, use cuttings.

End of Season:
Tuber- You cut back your plant and proceed to dig a nice clump of tubers.
Cutting- You cut back your plant and proceed to dig a nice clump of tubers. There’s a myth out there that rooted cuttings don’t produce tubers but in our many years of growing experience this has not proved to be true. Yes, sometimes you dig up a dahlia and there’s nothing there or there’s only your original tuber. But our experience has been that we get the same percentage of plants that produce clumps of tubers from rooted cuttings as we do from tuber planted dahlias. How many tubers you get at the end of the season depends on several factors (genetics, fertilization, growing conditions, etc. ) but whether you planted a cutting or tuber isn’t one of them.

So what do you choose? Honestly I would give both a try. I am seeing that cuttings are working better for harsh growing conditions. Also they allow us to keep our planting schedule which is important because we try to time our dahlias to bloom when our customers want them the most. If you decide to try both and you are planting them in the same area- plant all your cuttings at one end and your tubers at the other. Your cuttings will need water at first and you don’t want to rot your tubers out. This is what we do when we have a mixed bed of tubers and cuttings. Mixing in the same bed will really show you the differences and is a great way to observe and experiment.

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Melissa Smith Melissa Smith

Rooted Cutting Sale List 2025

It’s finally time for our first ever Rooted Cutting Sale! The Sale will be January 10 at 11 AM for newsletter subscribers. The sale will open at 12 PM without a password needed.
Here’s the list of what varieties we will be offering:
— It is possible that this list will change- we will probably add some to it and potentially remove 1 or 2. We will be checking all our stock in storage before the sale begins and adjusting the list accordingly.

20th Ave Gwen
20TH Ave Memory
Beaucon White
Caitlyn’s Joy
Copper Boy
Cornel Bronze
Hamilton Lillian
Hapet Champagne
Hilltop Lost Treasure
HollyHill Black Beauty
Irish D Porter
Last Dance
Linda's Baby
Miss Amara
Peaches N Cream
Robann Butterscotch
Roque Starburst
Skipley moonglow
Sweet Fabienne
Sweet Nathalie
Sweet Sanne
Tahoma Curve
Totally Tangerine
Valley Rustbucket
Wine Eyed Jill

Pictures of each variety will be available soon in the shop. There will be multiple ship dates beginning late March. You can have your tuber order shipped at the same time. If you already have a tuber order with us, there will be a small up-charge if you want your cuttings order to ship at the same time but you won’t have to pay another shipping fee. More details to come!

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Melissa Smith Melissa Smith

Pantone Color of the Year 2025- Mocha Mousse

Honestly this color makes me hungry more than anything else. But since I can’t eat it- let’s discuss. Every year Pantone picks a color said to inspire design trends for the upcoming year. I’ve only occasionally felt like my life was affected by the colors they pick- sometimes I see them showing up in flower trends. Usually it takes a few years.

The 2025 Pantone color of the year is Mocha Mousse- capturing a global mood of comfort, connection and harmony. Personally I think they are living in another world— but maybe they are trying to inspire the forementioned moods. I was hoping for something bright and energetic. However, I do find it kind of fun to see what dahlias are in the yearly shade or which ones go with it. Since there aren’t any brown dahlias yet, we will have to go with coordinating colors.

Rock Run Ashley

Rock Run Ashley- I wouldn’t be sad about any trend that encourages me to grow more of this one. I’ve always loved it- forever in my top 10 personal favorites!

Cafe Au Lait

Cafe Au Lait- Of course I have to include this one because mocha and cream not only taste good together but they look good too!

Miss Amara and Yvonne- These two bring warmth to the palette without totally stealing the show.

Sweet Nathalie

Sweet Nathalie - In her cool tones with a tinge of icy blush would provide a cool colored contrast to the warm beigey brown of Mocha Mousse.

Cornel Bronze

Cornel Bronze- Probably about as close as we get to brown. But I think Cornel Bronze pairs beautifully with the Mocha Mousse color- that’s a Thanksgiving table color palette!

So what do you think? Are you a fan of the 2025 Color of the Year? Let me know- shoot me an email!

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