Stress Strategies

A few weeks ago we talked about stress and burn out. I challenged you to find one thing that you could do to mitigate the effects of stress and burnout in your life. Today I thought I would share some of my “things.”

No particular order here, just how it comes to mind—

Physical activity. My activity of choice is yoga. Do I go as often as I’d like- No, but I do it some. That’s the important part and more often will come eventually. My doctor keeps advocating that I need to begin lifting weights and I do. But I know that September and October are hard times for me to add new habits so I will take to it this winter. Awareness of the busier periods in your life is important. Don’t try to overdue, especially during those times.

I’m a relaxing type of yoga person—that’s why I chose it. You won’t see me at the high level classes- but a mellow flow- that’s my thing. Yoga helps me sort out all the aches and pains that come with farming.

Community time. I am a very goal oriented person and I am often guilty of being so focused on accomplishing my task that I don’t take note of who is around me or what’s going on. Just nose to the grindstone. I’ve had to become very intentional about setting up time with friends. I do like being around people but I’m also totally ok with my own company. But I do know that I need the encouragement and support of my friends and they need my encouragement too.

Relaxation. This is different depending on what I need. I like to read fiction books- WW2 fiction is my favorite. But I also love a good TV binge if there is something worth watching. BBC’s Gardeners World is the ultimate relaxing show. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen asleep during it. Not because it’s boring but it’s very soothing! I’m not a nap during the day person but I’ll sit and read quite often when I need to rest.

Social activity. I’m a homebody, I enjoy where I live- even though I work here too! So I’m not always inclined to leave. But occasionally it’s a good thing, even just for the change of perspective. I do enjoy going to the movies- when it’s a good one! I also really like a good dinner with a friend. Not really a big groups type of person.

Celebration. This one is easy— but you have to remember to do it. Recently I came across a to do list I had written for this past summer (like front and back of a page). I started to throw it out but then began to look at it and I was amazed at how much we had accomplished these past 3 months. I decided to keep it! The sense of accomplishment was so encouraging. Stopping to celebrate when you finish a task may seem trite but it really helps feel like you did something and helps to overcome the stress and dread of that never ending to do list that comes with farming!

Gardening. Not being in my field but in my veggie garden. I finally built myself a small raised bed veggie garden this year. I love it. It’s fun exploring at the end of the day— seeing what has become ready to harvest. Delicious too! It’s nice to have a space (without expectations) to play in the dirt!

Say No. Recently this has looked like saying no to myself. A downside to being an entrepreneur is learning that just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Or that you should right then. Later may be okay but business owners are constantly fighting the shiny object syndrome. I am learning how fulfilling it can be to specialize in something rather than do a million things half heartedly. Also, you gain time and mental space by not putting so many things on your plate. There is only so much time in a day. And we shouldn’t be spending such a large portion of it working!

So just a few things that I do to mitigate the effects of stress in my life and prevent burnout. What do you do?


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