Peach Fuzz- What Dahlias Match the 2024 Pantone Color of the Year?

You’ve seen it all over social media in the past week- the 2024 Pantone Color of the Year: Peach Fuzz.

I gotta’ admit- I love it! It’s a beautiful warm color that makes you feel..well…fuzzy!

About 10 years ago, someone told me peach was coming back as a trendy color- I thought they were crazy and had visions of peach and blue floral fabrics from some of the old 80’s interiors in my head. But the resurgence of peach over the years has been nothing like that. It’s brought about a warm cozy feeling in a world that is wrought with calamity and strife.

Peach flowers make me really happy. I love how there are so many different shades of peach. The color “Peach” incorporates a lot of shades and can often be hard to identify when trying to fill a flower order. “What shade of peach would you like? Coral Peach, Orange Peach, Pink Peach, etc.”

But fortunately dahlias provide many options. So without further rambling, my favorite peach dahlias to get that “Peach Fuzz Feeling.”

Yvonne: All you Dahlia Lovers out there- loved this one! You sold it out fast in our Fall Tuber sale. After the pantone prediction, I’ll definitely be growing more of this one in 2024. Might even add it to my cuttings propagation list. Yvonne is a gorgeous waterlily dahlia with an early blooming habit. We were able to get two flushes out of this one this past summer.

Hapet Champagne: This one fits into the peach pink category. It also changes color a bit with temperature. It has more peach tone when it’s warmer. Then more yellow with a bit of pink outline on the petal edge when the weather cools. The petals are so fluffy and occasionally serrated on the end- I think it lends itself to the ‘Fuzz’ part of the Peach trend.

Peaches N Cream: I know— you might be tired of hearing about this one. But you can’t have a list of Peach Dahlias without it. But let me once again tell you how amazing this dahlia is: She’s productive, early bloomer (meaning you get at least 8 weeks of blooms in our climate), good tuber maker, high demand color. Really what more could you want? If you aren’t growing her yet, why not?

Brookside Cheri: I love this dahlia- she’s warm, fluffy and always has that sun kissed look. However, I’ve had trouble keeping tuber stock over the past 3 years. So that’s why you’ve never heard me sing her praises. I’m going to give her one more year to see if she can prove her worth. She’s so beautiful that I think it’s worth one more try!

NATC Mai Li- This one is a bit of a color changer- it’s definitely in the peach range during the warm part of the season but once the weather cools, it takes on some pinker tones. But I feel like the peach stage works very well in our Peach Fuzz line up. This is a variety we’ve been testing for 3 years. And it’s on the list for propagation into full scale wholesale production!

I feel like for once that the Pantone color will be adopted faster than usual. It seems like it often takes a couple years for the color trend to filter into real life. But I think since Peach has been popular for many years now— this is just going to be fuel on the fire!


Back to the Basics with Dahlias


Rusty Dahlias